Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Group 8 Presenters - Separation of Church & State

This group did a nice job of presenting.  I especially liked the way they broke down the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance.  I think we, as citizens of the United States, go through the motions of saying the Pledge, but how many of us have actually thought about it's meaning?  I believe it should be made a priority for everyone to know what they are pledging. 

When I went to school, saying the Pledge was the way to start every morning off.  Now, with more diversity in schools, I have often wondered how the school handles the controversy that may come along with the daily recital that we had.  This group answered my question during their presentation.

I also liked how the group stressed that personal believes may be expressed in school, and students can pray in school...as long as it does not disrupt class and it is student led.   Because it was stressed that these things can be done if it "does not interrupt class," it brings to mind my field experience when I witnessed a group of Somalians who were allowed to leave, in the middle of a lesson, to go pray while the other kids had to sit and wait for them.  To me, this would be considered a disruption and, therefore, brings me to question how they are allowed to leave for this purpose.  The teacher appeared just as frustrated as I was with the interruption.  

This presentation had some very good information.  Well done! 

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