Thursday, December 13, 2012

Group 10 Presenters - Gifted & Talented Students

I have mixed feelings about AP classes being offered to kids. While I feel the program is great for the kids to feel challenged, I sometimes feel that AP classes put too much pressure on them to excel.  Too much preassure can cause kids to have lower self-esteems.  I tend to support combining gifted and non-gifted students together.  As the group stated, the gifted kids can be great role models for the others.   To keep them from getting bored, I would see if they would like to do a form of tutoring.  Sometimes kids learn better from other kids.

I found it interesting that the number of students in AP classes are increasing.  I am a little surprised by this because it seems that when school districts come out with standards test scores, we are seeing more school districts that are failing.  If we had more AP students, I would think our percentages would be higher. 

This group presented an important message that no matter if the child is in special education, mainstream, or in a gifted program, they all need to be challenged and engaged, or they lose interest.

This was a very informative presentation.  Nice job!

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