Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Issues Impacting Vote

I am looking for what each of the presidential candidates have to say about:

1.  Education.  This is obviously a big concern of mine since it is the area that I am looking to get into, and knowing that today's children are our future leaders.  I have many concerns about where the education system is headed, but some of my main concerns involve the process in which children are being tested and evaluated, and its accuracy.  I am also concerned about the quality of education today's and future teachers are receiving. After all, education starts with the teacher.

2.  Health Care.  I am concerned about the rising costs of health care and the options that we have available to us when looking for comparable insurance companies.  I am also looking to see which candidate is thinking of our service men and women, and the type of health care they need upon returning to the U.S.

3.  Economy.  I am concerned with where our economy is currently at, and where it is yet headed.  Which candidate has the best plan for getting our economy back on track and people back to work?  Unemployment statistics are completely unreliable because they do not take into account the unemployed who have maxed out on their unemployment benefits; they are no longer counted as being employed, nor receiving unemployment benefits. These people are completely unaccounted for.

Above all, I know that I need to look for the candidate that doesn' t just "talk-the-talk" in order to be elected president.  I am looking for the candidate who has the best track record in following through on issues they say they have worked for or against.  The candidate I vote for will need to be the most trustworthy in taking action on the issues they say they will work on during their term as president.   

1 comment:

  1. These are all really great topics to consider going into the election. You explained your opinion very well and I agree with you on how important the education policy is since we are going into that field!
