Saturday, October 6, 2012

Africa's Twin Education Crisis

Reading articles like this one just frustrates me.  Once I read how people rely so much on the government for support, I cannot keep an open mind on the other issues because I think the major problem starts on the heavy reliance of government money.  I believe the people need to make a good-faith effort in controlling some of these issues on their own.  For example, it states in this article that Africa has the world's fastest growing population.  Regardless of how educated a person is, I believe we all have enough common sense to know how to control population, and if we don't, then funds should be used to educate on that issue first.  Once population is controlled, the rest of the issues will fall into place.  You will no longer have the problem of population growing faster than the number of people whom can be supported in the education system.  China may have it right with the one-child per family rule.  This is a very sensitive subject, even in America, but I believe it is a big factor in how much funding is needed in our education systems.  Families need to realize their limits on how many children they can support on their own.  Government spending should be utilized on the quality of the education, and the quality of the spaces in which we learn.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we may forget that we need to view the topics from a different culture. I think that the birth control issue may go much deeper than what we understand as Americans. What are their religous viewpoints? Who is the head of household men or women? What role does a woman have in the household? Does a large family have a purpose? Can contraceptives be afforded (and if not what resources do they have to get them? If none do you expect them to be celebate?) Do men and women share equal rights within the home to make that choice? If we do not remember that these are all cultural factors we may jepordize our understanding of their viewpoint fully.
